Hellooooo to all my wonderful fans! I have become so wrapped up in other parts of my career that I have been absent lately from my fashion blog. Thanks everyone for your patience!
Do you ever have a day in your life that is absolutely perfect? I had a day like that recently. I was the creative director and photographer for an epic, day-long shoot at designer Dori's estate in Beverly Hills. There were so many fabulous photos from that shoot that I will spread them out through a few posts. The models I cast turned up bubbly, gorgeous, and delightful, the clothes were ooo-la-la fabulous, the jewelry and bling was sparkling, the makeup and hair people worked magic, the stylist pulled some additional lovely clothes, my enterpising photography assistant Vince was a dream -- and it was the perfect day, warm, sunny, one of those California spring days that make you feel dreamy, all tingly and content. It was like one big fashion party, but even better -- a photo-shoot!
In this post I am lingering over the phenomenon of the light, spring/summer coat...
As my devotees know, I am in love with the bombshells of classic Hollywood. As I photographed and posed model Jaylynn, she reminded me of sultry-sweet sirens like Marilyn Monroe and Kim Novak. Especially in this coat! A great coat from the Dori Collection, with a divine collar that frames the face so beautifully. It's a luscious, seductive satin, and every girl needs a white satin coat to wear with her jewels and her mules at home, or with a little black dress at a summer Hollywood pool party. The jewels are from the Dori Collection, which Dori imported from Italy. I'm a great lover of bling and this spring and summer, the rule is, the bigger the better, and pile it on! I stole the luscious push-up bra from another model, Jill -- thanks Jill! |
Jaylynn in the Dori white satin coat. I love it's pearl-like lustre in the light. I've been focusing on local LA designers lately, and Dori and her
seamstress work on all her clothes locally. Each is hand-made, with couture-worthy care. The attention to detail in
her clothes is exquisite. I loved photographing model and rapper Jaylynn in this sensuous, silver-screen glam coat! |
Lovely Russian model Olga was exquisite in this coat. Look at this coat! The lace is so delicate, with its frothy sleaves and its winsome little bow. This gem is from the Dori Collection. You could wear this with the lightest slip underneath, or with a sheath during the day, and a stunning evening gown in the evening. It has no heavy, suffocating weight, so it's the perfect summer coat, for those air-conditioned crispy days or chilly LA nights, and it could be sweet-whimsical or ravishing-glamorous, depending on your mood. It fit Olga so perfectly! |
You can really see the wonderful textures of the coat here, from the hand-made lace to the light-as-air, frothy sleaves, to the touch-me satin of the bow. A note about the background: fashion designer Dori shared a story about Annie Leibovitz shooting by this pool, and I was honored to share the same hallowed
ground! I was really feeling a louche, Helmnut Newton, glam vibe that
day, and Dori's home couldn't have been lovelier or more perfect. Jewels again from the Dori Collection. |
Model Carla is wearing a coat from the Dori Collection. I think it has a
light, delicious, classic Chanel feeling. Utterly fell in love with
it! The colorful, candy-bright jewelry is by Anike, another local
designer who creates and models her own designs. Stylist Adriana
supplied the peach blouse and skirt. |
Model Carla with my friend celebrity publicist and author Michael
Levine. Michael always photographs well, and I was delighted to shoot
him again! Another angle of Dori's cunning, Chanel-ish spring/summer
coat. Light, minty pastels are the mood of this spring and summer, with
little touches of warmth like peach and icy- cool hues like mint and
aqua. There really is such a thing as delightful, absolutely required summer coats, and I would be proud to waste my days sipping whisky sours by the pool in any of these classic, vintage-inspired numbers! |
I want to do a little Academy-Award number here and thank everybody so much for their passion, talent and patience during this shoot! I'm also listing everyone's websites so you can learn more about these gorgeous and talented folks...Thanks to
Leanne Hare, hair artist extraordinaire, who did insanely good hair on all the models,
Sarah Michel, makeup artist, who did striking, ravishing different looks for each and every model,
Dori, fashion designer, who loaned use of her home and atelier as well as her clothes, and thanks to her husband who made me the best cappuccino ever!
Adriana Sanchez, fashion stylist, who worked tirelessly on this shoot, what a great eye!,
http://palette2palate.blogspot.com. Jewelry designer
Anike and her husband, thanks for the unique, handcrafted jewels and all your help on set,
http://www.anikejewels.com. PR wizard
Michael Levine, it's always great to work with you,
http://www.lcoonline.com. Models, you were so beautiful, each in your own way, and amazing! Model/rapper
http://www.jaylynnprovenzano.com. Model/personal trainer/life coach
http://www.fuelrxfitness.com/professionals.htm. Model
Olga, http://www.facebook.com/olgaaleksa.k. Model/actress
Carla, http://www.modelmayhem.com/2499463. Model/actress
Arlene, http://www.modelmayhem.com/1859936.
Vince Tanzilli, my assitant photographer, who worked like a demon and made my job possible and much more fun!
www.vincetanzilli.com. And thank you so much to all the other good people who made the shoot sparkle!